
Showing posts from February, 2018

God and Evil: Parable of the Weeds

One of the most challenging realities a Christian must wrestle with is the existence of evil. The scenario presented in the Problem of Evil suggests that the existence of evil is not compatible with the God of Christianity. In summary, if God has the power to stop evil, knowledge of evil and a desire to stop evil then evil should not exist. A general outline would look like this: A god who has knowledge of evil, power to stop evil, and an aversion to evil would not allow evil to exist. Evil exists.  Since evil exists, any god that is real must lack either omniscience, omnipotence or goodness.  Since these qualities describe the Christian God, then the Christian God must not exist.   There have been several counterarguments made by apologists throughout the ages and the Problem of Evil has, in my opinion, been thoroughly debunked from a Christian perspective. For this entry I would like to visit a potential source of insight often overlooked from the New Testament Parable of the